Legal representation in court means that the presentation of your case will be carried out by an experienced professional. We can provide you with court representation to speak on your behalf in front of the court.

Whatever type of financial fraud has happened, our team of litigators will use their extensive knowledge and experience to provide you with confidential and non-judgmental support and advice throughout the whole process. Depending on the nature of your case, your legal representation in court may need to come from a barrister. In this instance, as your solicitors, we will still be involved in the process of the court proceedings and will organize for a barrister to represent you to ensure we achieve the best possible outcome for you.

For your attention!
Representation is usually mandated in civil proceedings and exemptions are only made for low-value claims heard before local courts of first instance.
The threshold beyond which representation is required differs quite significantly between Common Law jurisdictions or Nordic countries and legal systems in continental Europe.

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